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How to attract and retain top talent in the current market

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How to Attract and Retain Top Talent in the Current Recruitment Market

We recently hosted a series of roundtables discussing retention trends, changes, and actions for 2023, following the survey we released at the end of last year. Each roundtable began with an analysis of the challenges and pain points around retention, especially within the London recruitment market for roles like EA and PA. Unsurprisingly, many of the challenges mirrored each other across industries and company sizes. Below are the main challenges discussed.

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Balancing the Generational Gap in Recruitment and Administration

Balancing the generational gap was at the epicenter of many challenges HR professionals face, particularly in well-established organizations with long-tenured employees. The demands and attractions for different age groups are often conflicting, making it difficult to create a unified, company-wide policy. This issue is particularly relevant in the recruitment of EA and PA roles in London, where diverse age groups contribute to the workforce. An effective, industry-agnostic approach is to educate Senior Leadership Teams (SLTs) on the importance of transparency around Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives and flexible work policies. By presenting data that justifies the need for creative and sometimes unprecedented policies, HR can better align recruitment strategies with business goals.

The Role of Belongingness in Retention

The increased emphasis on workplace culture as a prerequisite for retention was a common theme across all events. In recruitment and administration, ensuring that culture is not a one-size-fits-all concept is crucial for fostering a sense of belonging. Walking the talk on belongingness, from flexible working policies to meeting arrangements and social engagements, has proven successful for many organizations. This approach is particularly important when recruiting EAs and PAs in London, where candidates are increasingly looking for workplaces that offer more than just a paycheck.

The Importance of Surveys in the Recruitment Process

The need for surveys was universally acknowledged, though the most effective use varied depending on company size and technology. In the context of London recruitment, where the competition for top EA and PA talent is fierce, understanding employee feedback is crucial. However, there was debate over the use of anonymous versus named feedback. While anonymity can lead to more honest responses, some argue that named feedback fosters a culture of psychological safety. Regardless of the approach, it's essential to ensure that feedback is acted upon, as failure to do so can lead to employee apathy and increased turnover.

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Mutual Mentorship: A New Approach in London Recruitment

Mentorship has long been seen as a facilitator for retention and development. However, the concept of mutual mentorship, or reverse mentorship, was a new and interesting topic for many attendees. In this model, the traditional mentor-mentee relationship is replaced with a more fluid exchange of ideas, allowing both parties to learn from each other. This approach is particularly useful in recruitment and administration, where understanding the challenges faced by different generations can help bridge gaps and foster a sense of belonging.

Flexibility vs. Hybrid Working in EA and PA Recruitment

Since the pandemic, hybrid working has been a hot topic. However, there is still a significant debate around the distinction between flexible and hybrid working, particularly in large, established firms. In London recruitment, where the demand for flexibility is high, explaining the difference between a strict hybrid structure and true flexible working can be challenging. A successful strategy involves setting a precedent that focuses on productivity and output rather than hours worked. This approach not only aligns with business goals but also attracts top talent in the EA and PA sectors.

Showcasing Benefits in the Competitive London Recruitment Market

Attracting talent is more crucial than ever, especially given the economic disruptions and cost-of-living crisis. The demand for transparency around DEI, flexibility, and culture is unprecedented, particularly from Millennials and Gen Z. However, many companies are not investing enough in promoting their exceptional benefits, such as flexible working hours, family leave policies, and mentorship programs. In a competitive market like London recruitment, where candidates value reviews on platforms like Glassdoor and LinkedIn, it's essential to showcase these benefits to attract the best talent.

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Conclusion: Setting Realistic Retention Goals

While improving retention is a goal all firms strive for, a 100% retention rate is neither realistic nor appropriate. In the London recruitment market, especially for EA and PA roles, some level of fluidity and change should be encouraged to drive innovation and positive disruption. This approach not only benefits individual companies but also contributes to the long-term success of the industry as a whole.

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